Tuesday, June 25, 2013

Hakama-Style Pants and a Link to a Hakama Pattern

These pants from Shopbop are amazing. They are a "modern" version of Japanese hakama! Even though the description doesn't even mention hakama, the pants have pleats, a large belt that ties in the front, and a visually high back that mimics that back of a tied-up hakama.

Front and Back Views

If you're not familiar with hakama -- traditional Japanese pants worn over kimono -- here are some images of hakama from Folkwear to give you an idea of how they look.

What do you think? Do you notice the similarities? Have you ever had the chance to wear hakama?

On a little side note, that Folkwear hakama pattern I linked to is a pattern I purchased to make hakama for my husband (with my mother's help -- I'm not that skilled!!). They turned out great, although we made them a bit too long. :) Folkwear's historical clothing patterns are fantastic -- I highly recommend them!

Tuesday, June 11, 2013

McJapan: What's the McDonald's Menu Like in Japan?

While I've not yet had the privilege of traveling to Japan, I did some research the other day on what Japanese McDonald's has on their menu. The most shocking find? The fries.

Holy McHeart Attack, people, check out those fries!! I'm assuming you're supposed to share them with friends, but wow! In America, I could definitely see people eating one of these all by themselves. McDonald's in Japan also sells fries that come with a butter soy sauce to add to your fries.

Another item on the menu includes a teriyaki burger.

The teriyaki burger includes ginger, garlic, sweet lemon sauce, and, of course, lettuce. I gotta say, I'd try it! If you're not a teriyaki fan, you could try the grilled pork patty, topped with an onion ginger sauce, sandwiched between two roll-style buns.

For dessert: a banana Oreo McFlurry.

You could also have some sweet corn, pancakes drizzled with apple and cream sauce, and a Japanese vegetable juice.

And let's not forget McDonald's Japan's famous Shaka Shaka chicken.

A chicken tender is sold in a little bag with a flavoring packet. Pour the flavoring in, shake, and enjoy the chicken, seasoned by you! You could choose cheddar cheese or red pepper seasoning.

And if you're a morning fast food person, check out the breakfast menu, which includes tuna muffins and, oh yes, hot dogs. With a mustard relish and some ketchup, of course.

Is anyone else getting hungry?! :)

I researched several websites while finding out about McDonald's in Japan, but for their most recent menu, go to the Japanese McDonald's website.