GenkiJapan.net - I have to put this at the top of my list because, frankly, it's awesome. This was one of the first resources our family turned to when learning Japanese, so I may be a little biased. ;) This website has very catchy songs, fun games, and informative videos. The website owner also regularly vlogs (video blogs) about life in Japan, has his own list of his favorite Japanese materials, and regularly updates a Japanese FAQ website. He even provides free hiragana worksheets! And to top it all off, he has his own ebook course to help you learn Japanese (this last part is not free). It's almost a plethora of resources in one site, so check it out!!
Japanese Lapbook from LapbookLessons.com - Although this is a lapbook website, you can print out any of the resources on this page to use as standalone material. This site includes language learning, as well as some teaching about Japanese culture. Included in the lineup are hiragana flashcards, classroom words, kimono coloring, Japanese arts, and links to Japanese crafts, although some of the crafts are Americanized ("Japanese sandals" are what they call an odd mix between geta and zori).
Phrase of the Day at About.com - I love About.com, and even more so since I discovered this phrase of the day site. The best part about it is that they explain the grammar!! Woohoo! You get to hear the phrase, see it in romaji (romanized Japanese), read it in hiragana and/or katakana, discover the vocabulary, and read any extra notes on the phrase. Too cool. Note that you will need to know your basic sounds, so if you're feeling a little lost right away, click "Where Do I Begin" directly underneath the month table.
Japanese in Anime and Manga - Okay, if you love anime and manga, you are gonna love this. This website teaches you Japanese in the way that your favorite anime and manga characters speak it! It includes Character Expressions, Expressions by Scene, Word Quizzes, and Kanji Games. I got a real kick out the Character Expressions. You can decide if you want to read the expressions in full-out Japanese, hiragana and katakana, or romaji. Then, they show you an illustration, they let you hear the phrase, and they explain the phrase. They also show you how the character says it, what's standard, and what's the English translation. More too-coolness.
Tae Kim's Guide to Learning Japanese - This is an extensive grammar guide that teaches you Japanese using the foundations of Japanese grammar. It can seem tough at first, but it's certainly worth looking into. :)
Kids Web Japan - This colorful site was made for children, but personally, I love it! It's bright, it's interactive, and it's informative. You learn about the language and a lot about the culture.
Japanese Hiragana Handwriting - As far as I know, this is currently only an Android app. TeachersParadise.com crafted this easy-to-use app that helps you practice your hiragana! They also have an app for katakana. Although the diacritics (the extra lines over the basic symbols) are not included in this app, Japanese Hiragana Handwriting still proves quite useful for learning your hiragana on the go. :)
Human Japanese - This a wonderful app that teaches you Japanese in a -- you guessed it -- human way!! It's down-to-earth, it makes sense, and it feels like a real person is explaining Japanese to you. And best of all, the trial version is free! And quite extensive, I might add! If you choose to buy the rest of the software, either as an app or computer download, it's actually ridiculously cheap, so check it out.
Human Japanese - See above!
Rosetta Stone - Ahhh, Rosetta Stone. How I do so have a love-hate relationship with this software. On one hand, it's really cool, and our family (kids love it!) has truly learned from it. On the other hand, it's quite frustrating, because they don't explain anything! But if you're very serious about learning Japanese, I think it's worth the investment (level one alone starts at $179.00).
Extra Media and Physical Items
Handcrafted Language Blocks from RedEnvelope.com - I'll be honest, I've seen a couple different versions of these blocks. However, I do prefer the set from RedEnvelope.com. Again, they do not include the diacritics, but they are super cool nonetheless! Only $39.95. :)
Little Pim DVDs - Oh my, but these are adorable!! Made for young children, Little Pim Japanese DVDs teach you basic words in categories of eating and drinking, playtime, and waking up smiling. :) These are very cute, and the theme song is catchy! Pim is the lovable little panda that teaches your children. The Little Pim website contains companion guides for the videos, with a small explanation of pronunciation and grammar, and the English and hiragana for each of the phrases. However, I recommend turning on the English subtitles as you watch the videos. :)
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